Toggle and Hide Comments in Google Plus

by Ankit on August 3, 2011

As Google Plus entered in the world of social networking, people began thinking that it will be the Facebook killer as it was packed with many features that Facebook doesn’t have. But among all those feature many people didn’t liked the long comment lists in their Google plus stream. Actually having long comment list under the posts makes your profile load slower and also it consumes more bandwidth.

I always wished that I could have a plug-in that could have restricted the comment lists on the individual posts. And for the same purpose today I am going to share a wonderful chrome extension that can help you to hide comments in Google plus stream.

Actually up till now Google plus doesn’t have any such kind of inbuilt mechanism or option that can help the users to hide long comment lists in there stream but I hope that Google plus will soon have some inbuilt option to give users more control on comments they see, but for now, this extension saves some space on your stream. It gives you more control on your Google plus stream, the way you want to see it.

Please note that this extension is giving you the control over Google plus stream only using your browser. If you try to see your profile on some other machine wherein this plug-in is not installed then you would not be able to control your comment stream.

Hide Comments in Google Plus

How to Toggle and Hide Comments in Google Plus

So without wasting much of your time, I will come straight to the point. This extension (Golden View for Google+) hides any comments to posts within your stream and makes them available if and when you actually want to see them. Once installed, this extension will hide all the comments and will give you an option to toggle open it. Isn’t that great!!

All that you need to do is to follow these simple steps:
1) Download the plug-in from here.
2) After the download is complete. Install the plug in.
3) Once installation is complete, restart your browser.

So this was all about toggling and hiding comments in Google Plus using above mentioned plug-in.
Feel free to share your experience in the comments section below.


Article by

Ankit is the founder of Geek Revealed. He is tech Geek who loves to sit in front of his square headed girlfriend all day long. :D   You can find Ankit on FaceBook or Google Plus


Isha Shiri August 6, 2011 at 2:23 am
Admin August 6, 2011 at 3:28 am

@Isha: Thanks!!

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